100 Cute facts about cats and kittens that everyone doesn't know
They're cute, furry Friend and one of Those Hottest house pets from the Western world.
They Might Be quiet and fond of their Alone time, however, there's much more to felines than meets the eye.kittens!
1. There are roughly 14 million more home cats than dogs in the united states.
2. Male cats are known as toms and females are known as queens or mollies.
3. Some cats have dropped over 320 meters on concrete and come off unharmed.
4. There's a reason cats are likely to survive high falls -- they have more time to prepare for the landing.
5. It's not a flock, it is not a herd a bunch of cats collectively is known as a clowder'.
6. According to data, cat owners are far healthier than those with no cats. The risk of a heart attack is cut with a third party among those who have a pet.
7. Just as a dog's bark has a lot of different meanings, a cat may purr since it is anxious, happy or feeling nervous.
8. It's common knowledge that cats are lovers of milk, but a number are flaxseed. This usually means that they are in fact allergic to milk.
9. Garfield, the lasagne-loving feline, has been featured in the Guinness Book of World Records for
being the most commonly published cartoon.
10. Cats are thought to be quite smart,and with a brain 90 percent similar to the human mind, it's no
11. When Abraham Lincoln was US President, he had four pet cats that lived with him in the White
12. Felicette was the first feline to create a trip into space. She luckily survive the assignment and was nicknamed'Astrocat'.
13. If you think of yourself as a cat person', you are among 11.5% of people in the world.
14. If you are a man with a pet , you are more likely to find true love. This is due to the fact that
people see cat owners are kind, trustworthy, and sensitive.
15. The record for the biggest number of kittens in precisely the exact same litter was 19.
16. Over her lifetime, a cat named Dusty had a total of 420 kittens.
17. The oldest cat to give birth was called Kitty. She was 30 years old when she birthed her last
18. In 2001, it came in a poll of the best kids' TV shows.
19. While people dote over their cats in the West, around 4 million cats are killed and eaten over in Asia.
20. Cats can find their way home even if they've traveled miles off.
21. Ancient Egyptians worshiped a goddess that was half cat and half woman.
22. In Historical Egypt, civilians could endure a severe punishment if they hurt a cat.
23. Ever noticed your cat sleeping the majority of the time? On average, cats sleeping for
approximately16 hours every day.
24. Kittens sleep much more often, because growth hormones are released when they're napping.
25. The front paws of a cat are not the same as the back paws. They have five toes on the front but
only four on the back.
26. Some cats are called'polydactyl' and have extra toes. Some polydactyl have as many as eight
toes per paw.
27. Unlike puppies, cats don't have any feeling of what's sweet. No wonder they never look happy
with cakes!
28. Did you believe the cat flap was an ultra-modern notion?
29. Isaac Newton himself had a cat named Spithead, which affected his own creation. Spithead went
to have kittens, who all got their own cat flap.
30. Many cat owners take their pets to the vet to be neutered, and by doing so, increase the life
expectancy of the pets by 2-3 years.
31. Cats can see very well in the dark,which explains why they are always wandering around at
32. Adolf Hitler hated cats, so there is another reason that you need ton't like him.
33. Taurine is an amino acid that may be seen in cat foods. Without this substance, your pet cat
would eventually go blind.
34. House cats can run at a speed of 30 mph.
35. The kidneys of a kitty are quite amazing, since they can filter water before using it. This means
that a cat could drink seawater and the salt will likely be filtered out.
36. Those cute furry bits within a cat's ear are called'ear furnishings'. They guarantee that dirt
doesn't go inside and helps them to hear well.
37. Cats have a great sense of hearing and can hear ultrasonic sounds.
38. It's not just humans that are right-handed or left-handed. Most female cats prefer utilizing their
right paw, while male are more likely to be'left-pawed'.
39. Shaw is the third needle of a cat, which may only be viewed while the cat is not well.
40. They may have an extra eyelid, but they do not have any lashes.
41. The first version of Cinderella in Italy featured a cat as the fairy godmother.
42. Dogs create 10 unique sounds, while cats may create as many as 100 distinct noises.
43. Cats seem like these sweet creatures, but roughly 40,000 people suffer from cat bites each and
every year in America.
44. When you see a cat rubbing up against a person, it is being affectionate but also marking its land
to create other cats conscious.
45. The cat family contains many distinct animals, but the largest is that the Siberian Tiger, which
can be as large as 12 feet long.
46. The black-footed cat is the smallest wild cat, at just 20 inches .
47. The strangest cat ever was Blackie, a multi-millionaire. It owned #15 million after its wealthy
owner died.
48. It happened in 1871 and began a trend that has continued
ever since.
49. While cats want to catch mice and eat them, it's not always a great meal. They can contract
tapeworm through ingesting these rodents.
50. Cats' hearts beat in a rate of110-140 beats per minutes -- around twice as fast as the average
51. Ancient Egyptian cat owners could shave their eyebrows off when mourning for their deceased
52. 'Mau' is the Egyptian word for cat, and also the oldest surviving cat breed is known as the
Egyptian Mau, interpreted to mean the Egyptian cat'.
53. While people are reluctant to purchase cats of opposite sexes, they will actually get together
better than people of the same sex.
54. If you own a cat, you should feedthem 10-20 small meals every day, rather than fewer and larger
55. Over the Christmas season, cats ought to avoid poinsettias since they are poisonous.
56. Stray and feral cats that live outside have a life span of about 4 decades. Those who live inside
can live up to 16 years or longer.
57. Cats are lovers of fish, however, also much tuna can cause them to become addicted to this
particular meat.
58. They use their tongues to thoroughly clean themselves, but they also rely on them to eliminate
human scent.
59. When cats are first born, they all have blue eyes. Over the years, the color varies.
60. Kittens have much sharper teeth than adult cats. Their teeth become dull when they are about 6
months old.
61. Cats that have blue eyes for the duration of their lives are more likely to be deaf.
62. They generally hate water, but the Turkish Van cats really love getting wet!
63. Unlike many other animals, cats can't produce fat on their own. It's important to give your pet a
balanced diet which includes good fats.
64. Just as an individual's fingerprints are unique, each cat has a completely different nose.
65. Many people are allergic to cats, but cats can actually be allergic to humans too. Approximately
one in 200 domestic cats suffer from asthma due to smoke, dust and other particles in houses.
66. So long as you introduce your cat to your dog before they are both six months old, they ought to
get along well.
67. Although research suggested that cats didn't like being stroked by people, further research has
demonstrated that they do in fact like it.
68. A cat's mind is so quick that the super-computer in 2015 could not beat it.
69. Feral cats will head out researching more often and more than cats. House cats can typically be
found inside the area they reside in.
70. It is believed that 55 percent of home cats are obese due to overeating.
71. Alzheimer's disease can be found in cats, just as it can be found in humans.
72. Cats were kept as pets about 5,000 decades back in China. Farmers were the first to realize that
felines can be held in the house.
73. In 2011, scientists concluded your pet cat may become very ill if you interfere with its regular.
74. The high-pitched cry that you may have heard from the cat is an attempt for cats to receive their own way. The cry is very similar to that of a new-born infant.
75. Cats like sitting on hot items, which is likely why your kitty loves to sit on your computer so
76. It is a well-known fact that cats are extremely picky creatures, and if your pet does not always
drink water from its own water bowl, it may not enjoy the shape of the bowl!
77. Cats may look harmless, but they've worked together to create over 30 distinct species extinct.
Even home cats love searching, and have contributed profoundly to this figure.
78. They simply sweat through their paws, as this is the only area that has sweat glands.
79. In the 1950s, Disneyland purchased several cats in order to search for mice at night. There are now
more than 200 felines in the amusement park.
80. Their whiskers are used to quantify openings and gaps. They allow the cat to work out whether
they will fit through spaces.
81. Historians believe that every species of the kitty came out of one of just five different wild cats
from Africa.
82. Female cats may breed with various men when they're in heat. These usually means that a litter
of kittens may potentially have a couple of different fathers!
83. A cat can rotate each of its ears individually.
84. Don't feed chocolate to your cat --it is hazardous.
85. Cats are fairly amazing at leaping; they could jump up to seven times higher than the length of
their tail.
86. There's a magical reason your cat attracts dead mice to you. It usually means that your pet likes
87. They cannot endure eating a vegetarian diet, which explains the reason why it's important to feed
your cat meat.
88. Cats may find their way home even if they've traveled miles away.
89. Black cats are the most likely to be adopted in the animal house, though people love buying jet
black wolves.
90. A cat's tail will quiver if it is near somebody it enjoys.
91. Believe that your cat purrs a good deal? Cats purr up to 26 times per second.
92. Felines love spending time alone. Unlike puppies, they do not need much attention and can be
quite happy with no companionship.
93. You shouldn't feed many cats in the exact same food bowl. It is quite likely that a number of
them will refuse to eat from it, choosing instead to eat independently.
94. Do not stare at your cat for lengthy intervals. This is regarded as threatening and will make it
feel uncomfortable.
95. There are lots of plants that are toxic for cats, although parsley, sage, and other herbs are one of
the cat's favorite foods.
96. If you place a collar on your cat, make sure it's not too tight. You Ought to Be Capable To fit two
fingers between the collar and your cat's neck, or you might risk strangling it.
97. The fear of cats is called Ailurophobia.
98. A town called Talkeetna at Alaska needed a kitty as mayor for 15 decades.
99. The listing for the world's greatest cat has been 48.5 inches.
100. Cats do realize their owners' Voices, but often act like they don't care.